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Future of Space Science,
Youth Advocate

Daniel Wang is a secondary school student who aims to pursue an interdisciplinary approach to his professional and personal development, ranging from an interest in astronomy, robotics and game development to social justice advocacy and volunteer work. He enjoys the creative side of things, and seeks to try something new on a regular basis to keep growing as a person. 

In 2021, Daniel went to a summer camp for a month called the Marine Military Academy. There, he learned about real hard work and dedication. He learned to strive to become better, whether it be physically or mentally. Although it can be seen as a physical challenge, MMA also provided a mental challenge to all its participants. That challenge was how long you can keep going without excuses or complaints, and how long you can work your body without giving up. It gave Daniel a mentality to keep making progress, whether it was small or big, and built up his confidence and resilience. 

At high school, Daniel is pursuing an interdisciplinary approach to upskilling on key skills and tools he believes will serve him well in the future. Academically, he counts physics, world history and math as his areas of interest, and also participates in Science Olympiads. After school, he actively participates in Robotics CLub, Mathletes and does volunteer work at a local museum. During his spare time, to fulfill his passion in the area of astronomy, he joined the Astronomical Society of Long Island as a youth member, and networks with mostly adults to co-design annual activities. 

When asked about his future, Daniel is committed to pursuing a career as an astrophysicist and aerospace engineer, focusing on hardware research and development. To reach his goal, he is hoping to attend world class universities such as Yale, Stanford and Cornell to learn from global leaders as well as collaborate with like-minded peers. Whilst working at NASA or SpaceX is always on the table, Daniel also has ambitions to one day found his own start-up in this space and forge his own path forward, to the galaxy and beyond.

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